Saturday, May 05, 2007

Janurary 2007

Hi everyone ,

I must say, in January I was sooo cute (look at my pics - you'll know what I mean!). As you know - I was born with hip displasia... well the other stuff that the doctor did to try and fix the problem did not work, so I had to be put into a body cast - 3 Months, BUMMER! Oh well, at this age I won't remember a thing. I feel sorry for Mom and Dad, they are the ones that had to lug around the extra 4 ponuns (2.2 Kg). I just went fre the ride.

Here are some pics for January. If you are really game you can see all of the pictures by clicking Here

Me and Home Girl Sasha!

Grandma keeping me comfortable.

Dad - You know how I feel about your breath...

I am soooooooooooooooooooo cute. Dad thinks the he can resist my power's - His wallet and car will be mine I tell you... all mine!

I call this the modified 'up yours'.

Yum... Bib... Yum....

I tell ya - I am cute!

Kangeroo booties complements of Aussie Gramdpa!

I got my cast today... I don't feel so well right now. I am soooo glad that I am with mommy right now.

Miae: Yea Mum (on the phone in Oz) - she got her cast today.

I need some cuddles

Day six of cast - What day are you on!

Around and around... and around

And around and around and around... and around we go.

December 2006

Hi Everyone,

During December we had some fun, fun, fun! The Rellies from the Land of Oz (Australia!) came to town. We all hung out around San Francisco and the house - We even went to Disney Land - LA.

Below are some of the pictures from my adventures in December. You can enlarge a picture by clicking the image. To get back to the blog, hit the back button on your browser.

If you want to see all the pictures click the little here.

Boring... are we there yet!

Yo Sophia... Here, look at the camera!

Nate, hey Nate - get off your mum's boob! You should be checking this out - this is really cool!

Too Easy.

OK Guy's, where did Sophia get this? I did not authorize ice cream!

Sophia & Grandma!!!

Hellllo! Mom! I know you don't want to drop me, but do you think that you could release the grip a little.

I see you down there little one.

Splash down!

Great Mom & Dad - You have to be the tourist, don't you - You are so 'last century'

Left... no no Right! No I mean Left... Ahhhhhhhhh!

Cool and the Gang @ Disney!

Miae doing an inpersonation of both Grandma's at the same time while feeding the kiddo.

David: Hey Paul, I will give you 20 bucks if you drop the kid in the water.

Sorry Mom and Dad - You will have to find some where else to sleep from now on.

Mum, Sis, Hubby and the kids!

Mun, Sis, Bro, Dad!

You call it spot baldness - I call it selective hair growth!

"For a hard earned thirst, there is noting like an ice cold beer, and the best cold beer is Vic - Victiria Bitter!"

In my spare time - I am also model part time 'Baby Gap'!

Sophie, Sophie, Sophie - You are so cute!


Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Fun With Sophia 1 to 2 Months Old!

Hi Everyone!

Well time flies when you are having fun. Below is the latest installment of the Blog devoted to our little Sophia!

We just went to the doctor's today (11/14/06) for some shots (man she has a pair of lungs on her), and to get some measurements taken. Here are the stats:

As of 11/12/06 she is:

2 months old, 12 lbs, 23 1/4 in long, with a head cercumference of 18 in (that's a big head!)

We have added a link on the left side of the blog window with some links to lots and lots of photos taken of Sophia and the rest of us on our adventures over the past couple of months as well. If you would like a copy of any of them, email me a list of the file names and I will send you the high res pics for you to have processed.

We would love to hear from you so don't for get to leave a comment by clicking on the comment link at the end of the blog post!

As always, click on any of the images below to make them bigger and hit the 'back' button on your web browser to get back to the main web page.

Ahhh, this is the life!

Sleeping off the big night on the bottle.

Who's the Monkey!

Now that I have you in my infamous Sophia Headlock, I will proceed with dribbling on your head!

Well... There is not too much we can say to this one.

Peek-a-boo! I see you!

Dad: Uh-oh, I'm in trouble, how can I say no to this little angel...

It's tough being a baby.


Mom, can you get me a cup of tea please?

Sophia having a conniption fit.

I love my bath time!

Who's the pretty baby?

Where are we going, huh? huh? huh?

I wove wooo!

Dad, can you put me down now?

Shuhhhhh... Sleeping Babies.

We're at the dog park - Woof-da-woof!
We're at the dog park - Woof-da-woof!
We're at the dog park.

Sophia takes charge and feeds herself.

Yes... That's right, I am cute

This is just like being in the car... Verrrrooommmmm!